Выезд для замеров, определения параметров участка и составления сметы
Работа по договору
Гарантия на выполненные работы
Соблюдение ГОСТ и СНиП
Выполняем проекты любой сложности даже на проблемных грунтах
Окончательная оплата только после подписания акта
"Служба дворов Урала" занимается укладкой тротуарной плитки, рулонного и посевного газона, мягкой отмосткой дома и установкой ограждающих конструкций территории частного дома или дачи.
"Служба дворов Урала" сотрудничает с ведущими производителями тротуарной плитки в Екатеринбурге. Консультируем по виду и форме тротуарной плитки с учетом условий эксплуатации. Помогаем с подбором рисунка и цветовой гаммы.
Еще одним отличием "Службы дворов Урала" является пунктуальность. Мы ценим ваше время. Начинаем и заканчиваем работы в установленный срок. Мы знаем, что для вас это важно.
Консультация, выезд на замер
Заключение договора, составление сметы
Согласование даты, начало работ
Сдача объекта, полный расчёт
Тротуарная плитка — популярное, практичное и доступное решение для мощения приусадебного участка.
Качественная укладка тротуарной плитки — залог ее длительного срока эксплуатации.
Мы выдерживаем технологии производства работ и используем специальную технику для достижения надежного результата.
Наряду с хорошими эксплуатационными свойствами плитка отличается множеством расцветок и большими возможностями для реализации дизайнерских идей.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
Цена от 600 ₽ м²
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
Цена от 700 ₽ м²
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
Цена от 850 ₽ м²
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
Цена от 1050 ₽ м²
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
We've created the Bola Halo by mating our signature Bola pendant with a delicately balanced chromated ring hand crafted in stainless steel.
Цена от 1 400 ₽ м²
Озеленение участка с помощью готового газона в рулонах – это быстрое решение задач и трудностей...
Цена от 500 ₽ м²
Выравнивание основания из щебня и трамбовка виброплитой, прокладывание кладочной сеткой и укладка камня на жидкий раствор...
Цена от 1 100 ₽ м²
Отмостка – важный конструктивный элемент здания. Главное предназначение отмостки здания – отводить воду от фундамента...
Цена от 1 000 ₽ м²
Ограждающие конструкции используют для ограждения территории частного дома и проникновения посторонних...
Цена от 1 150 ₽ м²
Да, мы работаем по договору, как индивидуальный предприниматель
Гарантия от 1 года до 3 лет в зависимости от видов работ
Для каждого объекта проводится индивидуальный расчет стоимости в зависимости от сложности и площади по стандартным расценкам города Екатеринбург
Cкорость работ не главное, главное качество, но в любом случае мы ориентируемся на максимальное быстрое удовлетворение запроса клиента
Да, мы работаем в области на расстоянии до 50 км от г. Екатеринбург. Километраж выше 50 км оговаривается индивидуально
Мы работаем над благоустройством территорий уже более 11 лет, имеем профессиональный опыт и образование. Знаем стандарты строительства и неукоснительно их соблюдаем в работе